Thanks for coming to my corner!! Join me in the video below as I share with you my favorite products from Jolie Bloom. ( ) I love doing product reviews and the items we will discuss today are: Wake Up: Coffee & Cane Sugar Scrub Soothing Body Butter Bar Coffee Cake: Creamy Latte Face Scrub and the Royal Oats Shower Bar Have you ever used Jolie Bloom? What was your experience? Is there a scrub that you absolutely love? Leave it below, I may want to try it! Do you take the time to invest in self care? If no, why not? Happy 2nd Anniversary Jolie Bloom!!!
"Tameka Corner" is a lifestyle & travel blog showcasing all things fabulous! We chat about Business, Beauty, Travel, Family, and a host of other things that make my corner of the world so special! Look forward to product reviews, favorites lists, useful info, and tons of laughter and smiles! Take a few moments to get away from it all and join me in my corner of the world, Tameka's Corner.