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Thanks for coming to my corner!! Join me in the video below as I share with you my favorite products from Jolie Bloom. ( ) I love doing product reviews and the items we will discuss today are: Wake Up: Coffee & Cane Sugar Scrub Soothing Body Butter Bar Coffee Cake: Creamy Latte Face Scrub and the Royal Oats Shower Bar Have you ever used Jolie Bloom? What was your experience? Is there a scrub that you absolutely love? Leave it below, I may want to try it! Do you take the time to invest in self care? If no, why not? Happy 2nd Anniversary Jolie Bloom!!!

BUSINESS REVIEW: Panera Bread, Greenville, SC (Haywood Mall)

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! I had the very best experience today at Panera Bread at Haywood Mall in Greenville, SC. Managers Marc, Susie, and Keith and the rest of the staff made it very hard for any other Panera to impress me more than they did today!! I am officially #TeamStore654 Panera also has this new "Fast Lane" and "Rapid Pick Up" system that makes the experience super convenient and easy! Who doesn't LOVE easy? With the fast lane, you walk in and order from a Kiosk (read: ipad) and everything is right there in words and pictures for you to select. With the "Rapid Pick Up," everyone with a mobile device essentially becomes a cash register. You order through your phone and when you arrive to the store, your order is waiting for you in the "Rapid Pick Up" section. Easy Breezy! THE GOOD: ~ Free Cookie for using the Kiosk - This might only be for a limited time but every time I used the kiosk today, they gave me a free cookie! No e...

BUSINESS REVIEW: Tim Hortons, Bridgewater, NJ

16 months, 1 week, 2 days, and 4 hours.......... That is how long it has been since I saw my first Tim Hortons and wanted to try!! We don't have them in Georgia so every time I went up north I kept saying that I needed to try it. However, it was never on the right side of the street, never at an hour where I was hungry for pastries, or the weather would not let me be great due to rain, sleet, or snow! BUT TODAY! Today, I went into my first Tim Horton's and boy was it worth the wait!! It was everything I dreamed it would be! #SugarHeaven LOL  I ordered an Apple Fritter and Chocolate Milk. Then I got a Boston Creme to go, because you can always tell a good donut shop by it's Apple Fritter and Boston Creme! My Apple Fritter was AMAZING! But, of course it was, it was made by a Horton! #WeShareTheSameLastName When I first walked in, I saw people sipping coffee in the lounge area (which looked super comfortable), doing homework in seating area (They have Free Wifi) and ...


I was so excited to head to Legoland earlier this year!! I've been about 3 or 4 times since then and have enjoyed each moment. A lot of people that I have spoken with prior to going said that they expected more from the attraction but in my mind, how much more could it be considering that it is inside the mall. Needless to say, my exceptions weren't much so perhaps that is why they exceeding them. First, let me say that I was surprised that the attraction had "rides" as a part of the attraction. Again, it's inside of the mall, not even the size of a traditional department store. To me, that says they are trying. LOL There is a ride that is similar to a carnival ride that goes around in a circle while 2 individuals sit in these little pods. It doesn't go fast, LOL but it goes. It's cute. The other ride is a little more engaging and is my favorite of the two. You are in a cart and shooting lasers at the bad lego guys that appear throughout the ride on...

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We Go Live On September 15th!! Introducing Tameka's Corner

Welcome to Tameka's Corner, the Ultimate Travel & Lifestyle Blog!! How exciting!! I am so happy that you are here and joining me for this roller coaster ride of an adventure into the world of Business, Travel, Beauty, and Family!! They say that the definition of a corner is: a place or angle where two or more sides or edges meet. That means that here, in Tameka's Corner, we will meet and gather to share the journey from the multiple sides of our lives. There are 4 major pieces to the puzzle of my life: This blog will be like NO OTHER!! I will dish on all of the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to everything related to my corner of the world! This will be the place to share my: ~ tales of the most beautiful places I travel to in the world, ~ trade secrets of entrepreneurship & business management, ~ expertise in all things beauty, ~ and survival tips on navigating the ups and downs of blended family life!! I am so happy th...

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