So today, I felt pretty good and pretty optimistic. It's Day 1 so I felt prepared and ready to do this!!
I woke up and had my detox tea. I used some "Sugar In The Raw" but I plan to head to the store today for some Agave. Although I've never bought any personally, I've heard such wonderful things about it. I'm looking forward to seeing what my agave choices are.

After getting some work done, I decided to make me a salad for lunch. I've always been a fan of salad so I don't have any problems eating them multiple times, and for multiple meals. See the ingredient list below to check out what I put in today's salad. I hate having to use canned beans but I just don't have the time to soak my beans and such. But I did make sure to get the "no salt added" variety. I also was not too sure if I could have those olives but I tore them up anyway, LOL.

What you don't see in this picture is that the rest of my family in my house decided to come downstairs and make turkey sandwiches in the kitchen while I'm preparing my lunch. So, I'm sitting over here washing cucumbers and sweet potatoes in my vinegar/water mix ........ and next thing I know, I
smell BUTTER melting in a skillet... REALLY? Then I
hear the sizzle of turkey breast in that same skillet.... followed by the
sight of MELTING CHEESE...... {insert side eye} The ding on the toaster of that fresh bread smell was the last straw!! I had to leave the kitchen at that very moment. I tossed those cucumbers back in the water and dropped those sweet potatoes like I was playing the childhood version of "hot potato!!" I'm out of here!!!

Now, I wish I would have gotten a picture so you could feel my pain, and see how tempted I was. SHEESH! MY SENSES WERE GOING CRAZY!! The sight, smell, and sounds were too overwhelming. LOL On the other hand, I did snap a nice pretty picture of my finished salad. YUM! I was pretty proud of what I had created! It tasted super yummy too! I even made my own salad dressing. I'd bought a set about a year ago that included the carafe that you see in the picture. I've used it several times and I absolutely love that thing!! The best $4 I've ever spent. It has the indicator lines n the side to ensure that you pour the right about of each ingredient. It's fool proof!! And that pomegranate vinegar was superb with the olive oil!

For dinner, I just had some brussels sprouts and some left over salad because I made too much at lunch time so I divided the portions. I was so upset when I turned over the package and noticed that there was sugar in the brussels sprouts. For the life of me, I just can't understand why they felt the need to add SUGAR to brussels sprouts. It freakin' says "Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper." It doesn't say anything about sugar. This is why reading the labels is so important. And I knew when I was out shopping that I should have just gotten the fresh ones or the frozen bag without the fancy title, SMH..... But I was completely suckered in by the marketing and name. I literally felt like all of the effort was kicked out of me because now I had to eat some brussels sprouts with sugar in them. I know, I know, I'm over exaggerating but I was so very disappointed. However, I did bake some sweet potatoes tonight and they have the house smelling divine!! I can't wait to through some cinnamon on those bad boys and satisfy my sweet tooth craving tomorrow.

I'm grateful that after all of that, I still made it to the gym. :-)
When you are trying a new eating plan, beware of our friends and family. I'm not saying that they won't be supportive but sometimes, they don't get it. God bless their hearts, they have good intentions, but they may not be as committed to your change/challenge as you are.
~ Get a good grip on your mindset (My Momma taught me that!)
~ Prepare the day before because preparation is the key to success (Thanks KeKe)
~ Drink enough tea and water. Often times, you may think you are hungry but you really may be lacking enough water.
What I Ate Today:
- Breakfast - 12 noon
- Whole Navel Orange
- 2 Bananas
- Small bowl of Steel Cut Oats
- Lunch - 3:40 pm
- Salad with Green Leaf Lettuce, Black Beans, Corn, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Carrots, Olives, and Slivered Almonds.
- Salad Dressing: Pomegranate Infused Red Wine Vinegar and Olive Oil
- Dinner - 7:40 pm
Small Baked Sweet Potato (Saving it for tomorrow)
- Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper Brussels Sprouts
- A smaller portion of the lunch salad
WATER: 88oz,
GYM: yes, SLEEP: 8 hours
To follow the other days of my Plant-Based eating journey, click the links below:
Pre Journey Prep - Nov. 19th
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