I absolutely love the holidays!! And I would be remissed if I did not mention that a big part of the holidays consist of gift-giving and shopping. While I am not a fan of extreme consumerism and people spending what they don't have or going into debt for the latest and greatest merchandise, sensible gift giving does the heart good! I do enjoy the look on a baby girls face when she gets a new doll, the expression of joy when a family can get a much needed furniture item for half the price to make their family time that much more intimate, and perhaps my favorite, price slashing on professional classes and products to help me run my business more efficiently. Being able to purchase items at an extreme discount and give gifts to those who could use a show of love, gratitude, and compassion, always makes me a happy girl.

That bring me to the point of this blog post............
As the holiday season started and I began to make my list of my gifting goodies, I also had to decide on the best way to budget my funds. I could not help but to notice that without using my AVON representative discount, those pennies did not stretch as much as they had in years past.
You see, I put my AVON business on hold this year for a few months while I worked harder at my part of the family business. While I don't regret m decision and we saw great growth with our family-owned transportation company, I longed to play in the world of colorful Make-Up, pleasantly scented Bath Products, the cutest Housewares ever, and Dresses & Shoes that made me feel like a confident, cute diva. I missed shopping at my AVON store personally, but more importantly, I missed servicing my customers. So you know what happened next.............


How Can I Serve You? Need a little motivation to see what you might tickle your fancy? Check out our Black Friday Specials here: www.YourAvon.com/TamekaHorton
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